Your flat roof replacement is a little different than a standard roof replacement. Because water won’t run off a flat area like it does standard roof pitches, it needs something waterproof. We use two types of waterproofing products.
Laurenco Waterproofing System
The Laurenco Waterproofing System is built around a cold applied, reinforced, rubberized asphalt membrane that is manufactured in the United States. Many applications are still performing today and date back to 1955, proving our durability for over 60 years. The Laurenco Waterproofing System is a two part inter-reactive membrane system composed of a reinforced, woven glass membrane and a VOC compliant rubberized asphalt adhesive. The adhesive and the roll go through a chemical bonding process that results in a seamless, monolithic waterproofing sheet that is durable and protective.
Carlisle MiraSEAL
MiraSEAL is a 100%-solids, fluid-applied, single-component, moisture-reacted, elastomeric, coal-tar and solvent-free, modified polymer that cures to form a flexible, monolithic, waterproof membrane on vertical and horizontal surfaces. Because of the membrane’s moisture-reactive and non-gassing qualities, it adheres tenaciously to concrete substrates above and below grade, limiting lateral water movement even when moisture is present in the concrete MiraSEAL’s inherent toughness and resilience make it ideal for bridging architectural or shrinkage fractures in the substrate. MiraSEAL can be sprayed horizontally and wet on wet, resulting in a faster installation time. MiraSEAL comes in a single consistency that may be used on both lateral and vertical surfaces. Detached garages, patio decks, terraces, roof decks, terraces, equipment and machinery rooms, wetrooms, malls, kitchens, and shower stalls are all examples of typical applications. MiraSEAL is perfect for waterproofing foundation walls, tunnels, planters, and other locations below grade.